Explore epic stories, serialized adventures, and inspired gaming resources in our fantasy gaming blogs.
We are adding Narration to our stories, for those of you who prefer to listen rather than read. Starting with the Ballad of Carlia Havannah, you can now click on the page to have the story read to you without leaving this site.
Also, we've begun a Podcast on our Youtube channel which includes our growing playlist of Narrated stories. Please be patient and check back often as we develop and add content to the website.
Lastly, Please help support GameTableFables by clicking on our recommended Gaming Essentials Amazon Affiliate shopping links below. Thank you for your help and support!
Tales from the Table
Welcome to, where we tell tales of epic quests and adventures based on the characters and gaming sessions from our fantasy TTRPG campaigns!
Also, please help support our vision at GameTableFables by visiting our Gaming Essentials section and clickcing our Amazon Affiliate Link recommendations for Table Top Role Playing Games that we have run campaigns in over the years.
At you can learn of the great deeds of legendary heroes and keep up on your favorite stories with new chapter drops regularly. Check back in on our Party Rosters and Campaign Maps which are updated with each new chapter.
Explore our Tales of Legendary Heroes, Serialized Stories, and Serialized Campaign Storytelling. Click on the Story Titles below to open the pages to each series. Check back regularly for chapter-drops.
Serialized Storytelling.
Now Featuring Narrated Chapters! Check back often for new Chapter-drops from this on-going story based in our gaming world.
Epic Storytelling.
Serialized Campaign Storytelling.
The Three Sisters Campaign
Short Stories
One off Shorts are simple short Stories from around the World,
Epic Shorts
Gaming Essentials
Please help support our vision at GameTableFables by clicking on any of our Amazon Affiliate Link recommendations for Table Top Role Playing Games below. As life long active Game Masters, TTRPG players, Convention gamers, and old-schoolers, we've had the opportunity to play many of these games when they were first released back in the late 1970's, 80s, and forward. It is truly wonderful to see how Role Playing Games have evolved to become a mainstream social activity in the current day. Both in print and online the amount of resources and community that are available today have elevated TTRPGing to the level it has always been destined to hold. I hope you see something you like and in the near future you add a regular Game Night to your weekly schedule! :)
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